The "Extra Mile"......

I've come to realize....."In training, when you go the extra mile, it's a lonely place....there aren't many people there."

I'm going.....are you coming with me?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray!

Wow...what a good speed training session yesterday....3 x 1 mile repeats on the treadmill at a 6 min 44 sec pace! I knew my cardio was getting stronger but I wasn't sure how my hip would tolerate the effort and speed. Finally...I had a good hip day! I completed a 1 mile cool down run at a 10 min/mile pace following the repeats. Immediately following my speed session, I took 30 minutes and just stretched...I made myself relax, take my time and get a really high quality stretch. From there, I went right into the hot tub for 20 minutes...perfect way to complete a tough training session.

So, here we are today, Sunday...and I was hoping to take my bike off the trainer and get some real mileage in. Unfortunately the weather isn't cooperating...high of 39 today with high winds. Back to the trainer I go....but I'll make it a good training session nonetheless. The plan will be for a 60 minute ride at the upper end of my aerobic zone....and I'll push over my lactate threshold for the last 12-15 minutes of the ride. Looking forward to a fairly hard effort on the bike today. I'll do a second workout later today/tonight, with a focus on strength training and core.

I've been thinking a lot about nutrition and hydration lately. I'm making a commitment to myself to improve in two areas....drink more water and less diet pepsi, and eat more veggies. My fruits intake is good...usually at least one banana and one Naked juice every day. If I can increase my hydration and replace some "not so good" foods with a few more vegetables I think it will serve me well. I'm not making this change as a means to lose weight is right where I want it to be...with maybe 2 more pounds to trim off in the next 3-4 weeks. Weight isn't the problem...I just want better nutrition overall.

What's your diet like? Is this an area for improvement for you? Why don't you join me and try making just one small change and see how that goes? It's kind of a common sense thing isn't don't really have to be a dietician or know some top secret formula for eating healthy. Let's just make on or two small changes that make obvious sense. I'm willing to try...are you?

After all....we really are what we eat.


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